Thursday, October 18, 2007

Five Tips for the Holiday Office Party

DENVER -- The holiday season brings a string of parties and celebrations, the trickiest being the office holiday party, where professionals walk the line between fun and foolishness. This holiday season, Rescue Beverage Corporation offers The Cure, the first healthy, all-natural, caffeine-free hangover remedy to relieve the negative effects of alcohol, to professionals and partiers alike so they can enjoy the festivities of the holidays without sacrificing their jobs or their dignity. Rescue Beverage Corporation offers these tips to keep the celebrations fun and under control.

Helpful Holiday Party Tips:

-- Don't overindulge -- Have fun, but keep your reputation and career in
good standing by pacing your alcohol intake and enjoying the party (not
just the booze).
-- Mix and mingle -- Be social and perfect the art of small talk; you
might learn something new about people you work with everyday.
-- 'The Cure' for too much -- Throughout the evening, drink water after
each alcoholic beverage and eat food that is high in carbohydrates.
If you happen to overdo it, drinking The Cure at the end of your
evening will alleviate hangover symptoms and let you wake up feeling
like you stayed in. The Cure is available for purchase across the
country and online at
-- Know when to say goodnight -- If you are still hooked to the karaoke
machine when the music stops, put your drink down and say goodnight.
-- Drink responsibly and get home safely -- A cab ride home is a classy
exit after a few cocktails. Rescue Beverage Corporation strongly
encourages people who use The Cure to drink responsibly.
"These helpful tips are a great way for professionals to enjoy the
holiday festivities, without affecting their responsibilities the next
morning," said Robert Scholl, president and chief executive officer of
Rescue Beverage Corporation, manufacturer of The Cure. "There are many
people who drink socially and want to ensure that they are at their best
and most productive the following day -- that is where The Cure can help."
The Cure was inspired by the needs of American adults who want to drink
socially and still be productive and effective at work the next day. The
Cure effectively alleviates hangover symptoms when dissolved in water and
taken one hour after the last alcoholic beverage is consumed. For more
information on The Cure, visit
About Rescue Beverage Corporation
Rescue Beverage Corporation developed and manufactures The Cure, the
only healthy, all-natural hangover remedy to relieve the negative effects
of alcohol. Successful Ironman athlete Robert Scholl founded the company in
2006 to develop products that protect, rebuild, and fuel the body and mind.
The company donates a significant portion of its profits to several social
and environmental causes, including programs to encourage responsible
drinking. For more information, visit

SOURCE Rescue Beverage Corporation

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