Tuesday, October 23, 2007

New 'Food For Thought' Trivia Challenge Game

SARASOTA, Fla. -- Attention Trivia Buffs and Foodies alike, Food For Thought trivia challenge(TM) is a new and uniquely
packaged trivia-type game with a twist on our national obsession with food. This clever game questions your knowledge on a broad range of subjects to which each answer is food.

For example:

Q: An intellectual is often referred to as?
A: an egghead

Q: Bill Parcells, the multi-winning Super Bowl NFL coach, is
affectionately called?
A: The Tuna

Q: To feel awkward or be in an unaccustomed environment is to be like
A: a fish out of water

Q: The rapper and rock musician instrumental in creating gangsta rap is
known as?
A: Ice-T

Food For Thought trivia challenge(TM) is a sure recipe to stir up your
mind and whet your appetite for fun. The game makes a great host or hostess gift and is perfect for all occasions. The Questions are designed for the teen to adult population. The game is currently available at F.A.O. Schwarz and at Cucina & Co. in Macy's Cellar in New York, as well as, on line at http://www.foodforthoughttriviachallenge.com.


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